Bayesian Multilevel Models for Repeated Measures Data


Santiago Barreda and Noah Silbert


This book introduces multilevel Bayesian models in R using brms and the Stan programming language. The book focuses on active learning through the fully worked analyses of progressively more complicated models. This book provides an accessible introduction for readers in any field, with any level of statistical background. Senior undergraduate students, graduate students, and experienced researchers looking to ‘translate’ their skills with more traditional models to a Bayesian framework may find the lessons in this text useful!

Comments? Questions?

Please feel free to reach out to me with any comments, questions, or suggestions. I very rarely hear from readers! I am always looking to improve the book, make it more useful, fix errors, etc. You can reach me at, or you can report an issue on GitHub.

‘Real’ Version

This website contains the Quarto version of the book, available for free in perpetuity. The web version has nice advantages but so does having a book in your hands. A physical copy of the book can also be obtained on Amazon, among other places.